Monday, March 12, 2012

my not so hot morning.

so, this morning i thought i would be productive and wake up early to talk to Mrs. Thompson about my paper i was up super late trying to do. so i walk out of the door and make sure to lock it to keep my kitties safe inside and i expected my car to be started like it is every morning because my dad is just a nice guy but it wasnt for some reason. so i walked out to my car in the rain to see if my keys are in the passenger seat and they aren't, so i check all the doors of my house to see if they're unlocked and they arent. at this point im thinking this is awesome. now you are probably thinking why dont you just call a pal and ask for a ride, well with my luck my phone broke two days before this lovely morning and it wont turn on. so i put my backpack on and walk to school in the cold rain with out a coat on wearing a charigan, and little mocasins (which are both now soaked). since i woke up early to get to school early i only walked into school a mintue late. Mr. Spencer even greeted me saying "did someone hit the snooze a few times this morning?" and then i walked into ap bio and EVERYONE laughed at me, you jerks. Mr. Landry let me go stand under the dryer, but it didnt help much. WHY MUST I GO THROUGH SUCH MISERY?!?!?!?!?!?

my face when i realized my keys were locked in the house.

my face all the way to school.

my face when walking into ap bio and everyone laughed at me.


  1. I know this ruined your day, but it made my day. Thank you so much. I am sorry you have had such bad luck today. At least you can laugh about. I hope your day gets better.

  2. I'm sorry that you felt that we were laughing at you. That certainly was not my intention. I hope every day since has been great and that your trip south was not as wet.
